Hot stamping is one of the most popular methods for making bulk products from non-ferrous metals. With this method of metal forming by pressure, the workpiece is heated to a temperature of 200 to 1300 degrees Celsius, after which it is subjected to deformation using an open or closed die.
What other features of this procedure exist and what are the advantages, compared to other methods of metal processing, it has – we will talk about this in this article.
Features of the hot forging process
Hot forging, or rather, its technological process, has a number of features and is developed according to the following recommendations:
- choice of manufacturing method – in a stamp with an open or closed stream;
- development of a detailed drawing of a stamped product;
- determining the exact number of transitions that need to be performed to give the workpiece the required shape;
- development of a separate drawing for each of the transitions;
- selection of equipment and form for each stage of the technical process;
- the choice of the method and mode of heating the workpiece;
- to determine the list of finishing operations, thanks to which the stamped workpiece will turn into a finished product.
As you can see, despite its apparent simplicity, hot stamping is a very complex technological process that requires a competent approach to its implementation. However, along with this, this method of metal forming by pressure has some advantages, which we will discuss in the next block of our material.

Advantages of hot die forging
Hot stamping of brass and other non-ferrous metals has the following advantages:
- The possibility of obtaining a workpiece, the dimensions of which are as close as possible to the dimensions of the finished part. And this, in turn, helps to reduce the consumption of metal during the subsequent machining of the forging and greatly facilitates the process of its implementation.
- The uniformity of the structure of finished products, which increases their strength.
- Minimal risk of internal defects.
- The ability to manufacture a large number of products of the same type in a short time.
- Relatively low cost of finished products.
All these advantages will be appreciated by the owners of small machine-building enterprises, who, in connection with the constant development of this industry, are experiencing an urgent need for a large number of inexpensive parts of the same type. Therefore, if you belong to this category of persons, call us right now and leave your request for the service of hot metal stamping.
Why choose us?
Hot die forging is one of the services offered by Shlyakh LLC to its clients. Why choose us?
- prompt production of any number of products according to individual or standard projects;
- organization of delivery of a batch of finished products to anywhere in Ukraine;
- a wide range of products and services;
- loyal pricing policy;
- Individual approach to each client.
For more information or to apply for hot volume stamping, contact our manager in any way convenient for you – by phone, e-mail or by ordering a call back. Our specialist will answer all your questions regarding the service you are interested in, announce the preliminary cost of the work, as well as promptly fill out an application and transfer it to the work of the relevant departments of our company.
Hot stamping from LLC SHLYAKH is a high quality of finished products at an affordable cost.